
Within the broader concept of Interpersonal Psychodynamic or Analytically Oriented Psychotherapy Colette employs the models of:

The Conversational Model of Psychotherapy

Which pays particular attention to attachment, development history, trauma theory, different types of memory and play and the interpersonal relationship.
More information here about the Conversational Model and DBT and CM.

Object Relations

Analytically oriented therapy in which particular attention is given to the major figures and relationships in the client’s past and present and any transferring of those ways of relating that are made by the client towards the therapist and others in the client’s life.Treatment

Self Psychology

In which the therapist provides a supportive role in the development of the client’s sense of her/himself particularly where major people in the client’s life have been impinging or negligent or both.

Relational Psychotherapy

Looks at how people impact on each other in interactions in life and at how we characteristically relate to others and how we invite them to relate to us.

And in some cases of counselling:

Rogerian Client-Centred Counselling

An empathic listening process where the client comes to feel well heard and understood well before any intervention is made and where the intervention is made an in authentic way congruent with the real feelings of the therapist.

And/or Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

The stimulation of thinking or good thinking for the purpose of changing the client’s feelings from negative to positive.